Monday, September 14, 2009


I know that I've been on hiatus for more than a month, but my computer crashed, then I took vacation (Italy, baby), then my computer got fixed about a week ago, and then I forgot about Surviving Manny, and I finlly remembered right now. So there. Accept my apology.

WTF?!?!-ism #1

Babe Ruth was traded by the Boston Red Sox to the New York Yankees in 1919 fo4 $100,000 ($1,063,667 in todays money--a pittance for Babe Ruth--).

In 1925, the New York Yankees offered the Iron Horse Lou Gehrig to the Red Sox to make up for the lopsided deal. The Red Sox declined.


A lineup that would eventualy have Gehrig and Williams?!?! You decline Lou Friggin' Gehrig!?!?!?

What's even more amazing, is that the Yankees would offer one of their best players to a BLOOD RIVAL is uncomprehendable in todays MLB. WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111!!!!!!!!!!11111??????????????????????????????????????????????


Minnesota Twins great Harmon Killebrew modeled for the modern MLB logo.


I know that I've been on hiatus for more than a month, but my computer crashed, then I took vacation (Italy, baby), then my computer got fixed about a week ago, and then I forgot about RBK, and I finlly remembered right now. So there. Accept my apology.